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Consultation process

Please note that it is essential that your cat is checked by a veterinarian before our initial consultation if they haven't had one recently, or since the behavioural issue started, to ensure there are no underlying medical issues contributing to the behavioural issue. However, even if the behavioural issue your cat is experiencing is due to a medical issue, it can sometimes become habitual or have a behavioural element, so your cat may still need behavioural help.  


Before your initial consultation, I will send you a comprehensive behavioural assessment form to complete. Having this information before our initial consultation, helps me understand the behavioural issue(s) that your cat is experiencing and gives me an overall picture of your cat(s) and your situation before the consultation. Any videos and / or photos that you would like to send me prior are also helpful so I can see your cat(s) and how they would naturally act. As a result, I don't spend your valuable time during the consultation asking you lots of basic questions or having a virtual tour if a remote consultation. Instead, we use your time more effectively to discuss how to resolve your cat's issue(s), the treatment plan and to answer your queries.   


During the initial consultation, we will discuss the behavioural issues of your cat(s) in further detail so we can address the root cause of the issue. We will also discuss your cat's environment and resources and go through your draft treatment plan; plus answer any questions you may have. This comprehensive treatment plan is customised for you and your cat, being mindful of the individual needs and preferences of your cat(s), and that also works for you to achieve the best possible results. You will receive a copy of the treatment plan and comprehensive consultation summary via email to ensure everything is clear and you have it for future reference.  As well as addressing the behavioural issue, I will also offer you some behavioural and environmental tips specifically for your cat and home.


Follow-up consultations may include amendments to the initial treatment plan. If your follow-up consultation was for another issue flagged or discussed during our initial consultation, the follow-up email will also include your new behaviour modification / treatment plan for that issue. If your cat's behavioural issue(s) resolved after your initial consultation and you don't have any other specific issues to discuss, we can just debrief and review what we have discussed in your follow-up consultation; I can also answer any queries you may have regarding cat behaviour. I am always happy to chat about cats! The follow-up consultations can be at a time decided by you - usually within a 2.5-month period after the initial consultation (booked directly). 


I am always happy to answer any basic queries free of charge if we have already had a consultation regarding your cat(s). However, if you would ever like to have another phone consultation at a later date for your cat(s) whom I have already met through an in-home or remote consultation, it is a discounted rate of $60 for 30 minutes or $120 for one hour on a weekday (e.g., you are moving, having a baby, introducing a new cat to your family or another issue). This rate includes a comprehensive consultation summary and treatment plans; plus two weeks of unlimited email support for a 30-minute consultation or four weeks of unlimited email support for a one-hour consultation. Alternatively, if you would like an in-home consultation, please contact me.  A weekend surcharge of $15 may apply if on a weekend or $20 for a public holiday for any consultation. Fees are subject to change.


It is important to note that no animal behaviourist (or human psychologist) can guarantee to resolve a behavioural issue. The severity and length of time that a behaviour has been occurring are also factors that influence an outcome. During our work together to help your cat(s), we will use evidence-based, fear-free, force-free positive association and positive reinforcement techniques and strategies specifically for you and your cat(s). With your love and commitment to do the 'work' and follow the entire treatment plan (a lot can depend on our behaviours as well!), along with your patience, it is usually possible to at least manage, if not improve or resolve behaviours. If you are committed to helping your cat and dedicate your time and energy during our work together, I guarantee I will too to get the best possible outcome for you and your cat(s)!  

Our gorgeoous, Karma & Star.

Our beautiful girls, Karma & Star

Our beautiful siblings, Amber & Onyx.

Our gorgeous sister and brother duo, Amber & Onyx

What's Up PussyCat can help you with your cat's behavioural issues.
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